

CARES Act Emergency 金融援助 Grants for 学生

的 冠状病毒的援助, 救援, and Economic Securities (CARES) Act (Pub. L. 116-136) authorized the U.S. Department of Education (“ED”) to allocate formula grant funds to postsecondary institutions for the purpose of addressing needs related to coronavirus. 2020年4月10日. 雷诺Verret, President of Xavier University of Louisiana (XULA), signed and submitted the Certification and Agreement for an Award under Section 18004(a)(1) of the Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund, 冠状病毒的援助, 救援, and Economic 安全 (CARES) Act. This Certification and Agreement provided assurance that XULA intended to use, no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students.


Total CARES Act Funds Provided to Xavier University of Louisiana for Student Emergency 金融援助

Total funds allocated to Xavier for Student Emergency 金融援助 from the Department pursuant to the institution’s Certification and Agreement for Emergency 金融援助 Grants to 学生 was $51,586,557 which will be directly disbursed to students. 的 institution will use no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students.


Estimated Number of 学生 Eligible to Participate Under Section 4848 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965
A primary criterion for eligibility consideration is a student’s eligibility to apply for federal aid, regardless of whether an application was submitted. It has been determined that three thousand three hundred twenty-one students (3,251) students were eligible to participate in the federal aid programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 during the 2021 – 2022 academic year.


Methods Used by Xavier 大学 to Determine 学生’ Eligibility and Amount of Emergency 金融援助 Grant Under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act
In efforts to ensure that maximum number of our student population will receive a share of the funding, Xavier University of Louisiana has established a tiered method of distribution based on Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as reported on the 2021 Free Application For Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). Based on this methodology, all students who submitted the FAFSA were considered eligible to receive Xavier University of Louisiana CARES Act Student Emergency Grant funds which were distributed based on the following:

Expected Family Contribution (EFC) American Rescue Plan Amount
$0 $1,000
1 - 5846 $750
5846 & up $500

另外, DoE set forth guidelines by which the Xavier University of Louisiana must abide to determine grant eligibility.

  1. 学生 must be eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, 经修订的(HEA). For purposes of disbursal of these funds, the 大学 will base a determination of eligibility on the existence of the student’s 2021 – 2022 Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA).
  2. 学生 must be United States citizens (or eligible non-citizens).
  3. 学生 must use funds for eligible expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus to include food, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, health care and childcare (CARES Act Section 18004(c).
  4. 学生 must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements, as outlined by 金融援助 guidelines.

学生 identified by the Office of 金融援助 as initially eligible (based on the above guidelines) received notification via e-mail. 学生 must follow the link provided within the e-mail to certify that funds awarded will be used for allowable expenses. Funds will not be disbursed to students who have not submitted a certification form. Upon receipt of the certification form, funds will be disbursed via direct deposit or check to students.


 Cares Emergency Grants – Frequently Asked Questions

的 CARES Emergency Grant program is a temporary emergency aid program, funded by the initial Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund (HEERF I), 冠状病毒的援助, 救援, and Economic 安全 (CARES) Act. 的 grant program was created to provide one-time financial support for students enrolled at Xavier and adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Funds are limited and disbursed on a first-come-first serve basis. 

应用ing for a HEERF I CARES Emergency Grant?

To be considered for HEERF I CARES funding, students should submit a completed CARES application.  Applications are available via the Xavier 金融援助 and COVID-19 websites.  Please complete the application in its entirety, attach supporting documentation (for fastest consideration), and submit via email to

What is supporting documentation? Is it required to receive funding?

Examples of supporting documentation include, but are not limited to, lease/mortgage agreements, utility bills and COVID-related medical bills.  While documentation is not required, it does help the review committee understand the comprehensive nature of the request and justify the amount requested on the application. 

How long will it take to process my application?

的 emergency fund committee reviewed CARES applications on a weekly basis.  的 committee contacts students via email if additional information is needed. Please do not submit multiple applications or resubmit previous applications.  This delays processing for other students.  Applications are reviewed and processed in the date order in which they are received.

How much funding am I eligible for?

CARES applications are considered on a case-by-case basis. 的 amount of CARES disbursements vary and are based on information included in the completed application.

Other schools awarded each student a blanket amount. 为什么e世博esball不这么做?

的 university opted for an application process for HEERF I funds rather than one that is more formulaic in order to optimize our chances to significantly reduce the hardship COVID-19 has had/is having on our students.  Many students are experiencing 住房 and/or food insecurity, have significant medical expenses, are 技术 insecure and are navigating many other hardships. An application and supporting documentation gives us a better chance of fully addressing students' needs.

How do I check the status of my application?

Status inquiries should be made in writing to 的 email address is monitored by committee members who will respond to your inquiry as promptly as possible.  Please do not submit multiple applications or inquiries as delays in processing will occur.

注意: All HEERF I CARES Emergency Grant applications received by 5 PM CST, 星期五, 4月9日, 2021 will be processed and forwarded for payment according to the guidelines listed on the application. Funds will be disbursed via direct deposit and should reach your accounts by 星期五, April 23, 2021.  If direct deposit information is not on file, a check will be mailed to the mailing address listed in the Banner Student 信息 System. Please allow additional time for mailed checks.

How will the university disperse CARES funding not associated with HEERF I?

Subsequent federal funds awarded to the university, including those provided via the CRRSAA: Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund (HEERF II) program, will be disbursed to eligible students via a tiered method of distribution, based on Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as reported on the 2020-2021 Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA).

Per federal guidelines, students with exceptional need, such as students who receive Pell Grants, received priority funding consideration.  Below are the tiers of award and what you can expect to receive.